Our cows

Our cows
Our small herd of mixed breed, but mostly Angus cows are raised entirely on our pastures and fed hay from our farm throughout the winter. Our cows have never been given growth hormones, antibiotics or grain. The entire farm, including the pastures and hay fields are certified organic by the Montana Department of Agriculture. They are a critical part of our farm system, providing the fertility to sustain our vegetable gardens and keeping our fields and pastures healthy. Our calves are born on grass in the late spring, and spend the summer with their mothers and the rest of the herd, rotating through the fields. The herd spends the fall and winter in the hay fields, and are fed hay that we have cut and stored the summer before, and return to the pastures with the fresh spring grass. We know our cows by name and believe that they provide an important source of protein for our family and many members of our community. Grass-fed, organically raised beef is a healthy and delicious option for anyone in Western Montana who are wanting to eat as close to home as possible.